If you're thinking about the procedure, be sure to read the following surprising facts. Although being overweight can cause serious health problems and can be difficult to correct with sheer will power alone, before you opt for weight reduction surgery, you should be aware of some important facts.
Not Everyone is a Candidate
Weight loss surgery has become more widely discussed in the society. Some people even joke about having weight reduction surgery as an easy way to get down to the size they desire. However, not everyone is a candidate for these procedures. Bariatric surgeons will normally only perform the surgeries on patients who have a body mass index of 40 or more. That usually means you are about 80 to 100 pounds overweight. However, if you have a BMI of 35 to 40, as well as a health condition that would be improved by the weight loss, you may also qualify.
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Weight Loss Continues After Surgery
One common misconception about weight loss surgery is that all of the extra pounds will be gone right after the procedure. That's not the case. You will usually lose a large chunk of your weight during the initial weight reduction surgery but your dropping of pounds will continue for the next 24 months, although at a much slower pace.
The Surgery is a Miracle Cure
Some people act as if weight loss surgery is a miracle procedure that can basically "cure" their obesity. Unfortunately, that's not the case. While the surgery can help you lose weight quickly and improve your health, it cannot guarantee that you will not get back into unhealthy patterns such as eating too much saturated fat or not exercising. Some of the most serious complications associated with surgery are a result of people not following through with lifestyle changes as they should. That's why many people tend to start regaining some of their weight after the surgery.
Serious Side Effects are Common
Weight reduction surgery is not a low-risk procedure, although many people believe that it is. During and after the procedure, side effects and complications are surprisingly common. For example, if you eat too much after having the procedure, you could actually cause yourself internal injuries, including bleeding, that needs to be corrected immediately. You may also end up not getting enough of the nutrients your body needs because you cannot eat as much. Most people who have weight loss surgery must take vitamins for the rest of their lives to prevent deficiencies.
Cosmetic Surgery is Required
One of the most disappointing aspects of weight reduction surgery for many patients is that end up with flabby skin areas once they've lost all of hose pounds so quickly. Many of them never knew this was going to happen. And, sadly, the sagging skin can be a real problem. To be happy with their bodies, most weight loss patients require some type of cosmetic surgery to tighten their skin. Continued toning exercises are also usually needed to keep improving the overall appearance of the body.
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